well-being workshops

Here you find natural self-help to more well-being and less stress. Are YOU ready for a change? Then there a different paths, as there are many different people ...

So the following activities can show you the way and I will gladly assist you. Depending on my travel schedule, all activities are available as personal one-to-one or group session and worldwide as internet session, in English or German.

By the way, I don't heal anybody (except myself), as in the end everyone can heal him/herself. Instead I assist you in overcoming some stumbling blocks on your way to more well-being ... 

Individual stress or health advice with holistic lifestyle and nutrition advice

and whenever I travel I give the following workshops on demand:

1/2-day-workshop:  The Chance in Stress - Women are wired differently

1/2-day-workshop:  Forget Dieting - 9 Foods that change our Life

1-day-workshop: Soul Body Fusion - transform your SELF - Be MAGNIFICENT

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